We finally got our home office set up in the eat-in kitchen area. It was really just a matter of clearing the area, unrolling the rug and unpacking the desk items from the move, but it's taken us a loooong time to get here. I've been so patient, can you tell? ;) I feel so much better now though! We had the iMac set up all over the place until now - sometimes on the console table in the living room, sometimes on the dining room table, and even on the kitchen counter (I know!).
I haaaated our old desk (a hand-me-down from Mom - don't worry, she hated it too;), so I forbade it from the move. But that meant we needed a new desk. In the midst of a major reno. Good move me, right? Enter insanity. Last fall, I purchased an old metal (read: insanely heavy) desk on craigslist with every intention of painting it the same blue shade as our cabinetry. Until moving said desk into sunroom and shivering every time I saw it because it meant another 'project.' I loathe the desk now. It's still sitting there btw.
So where did this beauty come from? Well I decided to buy
another desk and I loved this desk from Ballard, but it retails for $1000 and I just wasn't ready to commit. So whaddya know? Shannon found the exact same desk (albeit well-loved) on craigslist for $80. True story. And now it's mine. Er, ours. :) Hurrah! Don't you just love craigslist?
As you can see, the chi thinks all rugs belong to her... much like everything else in the house.