Monday, July 4, 2011

Day 369: Chair Cushions

Mom was here this weekend and was kind enough to bring along a sewing machine and her crafting expertise! After some re-assurance of my selected swatches, we went to Forsyth Fabrics to purchase the patterns I'd settled on for the sun porch cushions, rocking chair and pillow covers for the couch. (I'm a little behind on my spring spruce-up, clearly;)

Then it was go-time! Mom got me all set up on the machine (I needed a refresher on threading the bobbin and other such skills since it's been a good five years since I touched a sewing machine - yikes!), and we got right to work. First up were the cushion covers for the wicker chairs on the sun porch. We just eyeballed it, and everything turned out just fine. We finished both covers in about 2 hours (would have been less but again, I needed the lesson). Whew! Don't they look great?

Next up are the pillow covers for the couch. Those are my favorite fabric, so should be really fun.

I should have enough remnants for an additional pillow out of each fabric, but want to come up with something way fun for those. Thoughts?

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