Thursday, May 1, 2014

And then this happened...

I was out of town Friday and Saturday, and returned to see that Shannon and the crew had made a ton of progress. On Saturday evening, we did a walk-through with some curious neighbors and proudly showed off how far we'd gotten in such a short amount of time. On Sunday, progress continued and I worked on scheduling posts for the blog, uploading our latest photos and dreaming about our wonderful new space. 

The crew left around 5 on Sunday, and afterward, Shannon and I did a walk-through and snapped some new photos for the blog. We noticed it was getting dark, which was strange given the hour. We started to get a little nervous since we hadn't tarped the roof. We'd watched the weather all day and decided it was safe to leave it open until Monday. We were wrong. The sky opened up and a torrential downpour ensued. We couldn't see our hand in front of our face standing in the flood. Shannon had to go up by his lonesome and tarp the roof (using a 200 lb. tarp that usually takes 4-5 grown men). He was miraculously able to tarp the roof, but unfortunately some significant damage had already been done. 

The water poured through every seam of the newly framed roof and soaked the already heavy plaster ceiling on the main level, causing it to collapse in two rooms. we ran through the house, placing buckets, cutting the heavy chandelier in the dining room, mopping up water on the hardwoods, and moving furniture best we could. 

Our crew rushed back and helped us clean up all the fallen plaster, and reinforced the ceiling in all the rooms whose ceilings were intact, just in case. They drilled holes in the dining room ceiling to allow water to get out rather than spreading out and heavying the ceiling even more. 

It was a total nightmare. 

That being said, no one was hurt. Damage to the interior was minimal, and hey - I wanted overhead lighting in the living room. Bright side! That project will be much easier now :) 

Since then, Shannon has pulled down the remaining plaster fragments in the living room and most of the kitchen and sealed everything off with plastic. We have de-humidifiers going in every room to dry out the floors and remaining ceilings and keep conditioned air circulating through. (If you're a masochist, more photos here.)

While this will set us back significantly with respect to interior timeline, we're optimistic and the crew is moving forward with drying out the upstairs in the next week. 

We have full use of our bedroom, bathroom and kitchen and Riley is being such a trooper. We're really doing well, all things considered. Onward and upward! 

Your thoughts and prayers are appreciated. 

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