Saturday, September 4, 2010

Day 66: Outlaws

Sometimes life is just funny. We've been finding it hard to get motivated to spend long days and nights at the house here lately. When I say we, I mean me. We finally get a plan together for the long weekend, and well...

Today, we started the day at Home Depot. Nice change from Lowe's, eh? Don't get too excited. I think it's about even. Anyhoo, picking up supplies, the usual. We're just about ready to check out when Shannon gets a phone call from his friend, who took his Harley out for a leisurely ride in the perfect weather, only to have his battery die in a not-that-great part of town. Turns out he and his wife were on their way to our house to check out our progress. Only they didn't take the highway. Fast forward to us sitting in the Georgia Tech gameday traffic on our way to 'rescue' them and then taking 15 minutes to find exactly where they were. So we find them, but it's just the Mrs. No Mr.

"Where did Mr. go?"

"Oh, he got in the car with some guy to see if he could find an auto parts shop."

"Huh. We were on our way..."

Waiting... Mr. shows up, no new battery. Luckily, still alive ;) But he needs a HARLEY battery. It's special.

So then we take Mrs. (Mr. will serve his punishment for abandoning Mrs. on gas station curb, all by his lonesome) to the nearest Harley store, which is about 15 miles from said gas station, get new Harley battery, and drive the 15 miles BACK to gas station to install battery.

Battery installed, all is right with the world. Mr. and Mrs. gear up and follow us to the house for an update and tour for Mrs. Mr. and Shannon spend about an hour examining friggin jalousie windows and scaring living daylights out of Me.

By this time, it's 2:30. I am hungry. I am tired. MY Mr. knows to feed me :) We eat lunch, grab some fro-yo and head back to the house to work for a good 4-5 hours, and then call it a night. Oh, what a night.

Isn't it funny how you have one plan for the day, and it just takes you in a completely different direction? In all seriousness, we were happy to help our friends in need, and it certainly wasn't there plan for the day to get stranded in sketch city USA. Glad it all worked out! Here's hoping tomorrow is more productive :)

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