Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 69: Weekend Recap

Well, even though Saturday and Monday both had some interruptions, we were still able to get quite a bit done. The tops are on the cabinets. The plumbing has been pressurized and tested. The walls have been prepped for beadboard in the downstairs bathroom. Re-wiring in the bathroom is complete. Some walls have been repaired. Upstairs is now completely cleared out and toemolding removed, so it's ready for the floors to be refinished.

Here are our photos from this weekend:

Labor Day Weekend 2010

We've been slacking on the documentation, both blog and photo-wise. But we hope to pick up some more steam this week after a long weekend of work!

Vintage Find o' the Day
Check out the adorable vintage decorating magazines Mitzi over at the Vintage Goodness blog scored from the 60's and 70's. They are pretty wonderful!

1 comment:

  1. How v productive indeed. The behind the scenes stuff is so important!
