Friday, August 6, 2010

Day 36: Update on the Great Tile Debate

So many of you voted in our 'choose our tile destiny for us' vote, and while we greatly appreciate your votes, it turns out - thanks for nothing. Yeah, that's right. You guys tied the vote, just like we did! ;)

But it's OK, we've come up with a reasonable compromise for now. We're going to cover the mint green wall tiles with white beaded board, except in the shower of course (but thank goodness for shower curtains, you won't see the light minty green and the darker forest green together!), and leave the floors (for now).

It's a quick and easy fix, and leaves us the more expensive and time-consuming option of restoring or re-glazing the original tile at some point if we decide to go that route in the future.

Now, comes the DOING part - always the most fun, right?!

Meanwhile, we continue to work on the rest of the house, mainly the kitchen and pluming for now, and the progress rolls right along!  


  1. i tried to double vote for the floor, but your poll was too smart for me

  2. thanks for the update! i wondered about the outcome...
