Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 107: Be Our Guest

With 3 rooms finally livable (our room, the bathroom, and now the living room), today I set my sights on the guest room. Mostly because it didn't involve heavy lifting, just unpacking and moving things around, clearing non-essentials out and making up the beds. Anyhoo, I'm happy to report it's now usable! Hurrah. Trolls welcome! Just in time for my parents to come visit next weekend. Don't worry, we won't make them sleep in the twin beds!

So, now the fun part's out of the way - status report: The kitchen is still very much a work-in-progress, as are the dining room and sunporch, but - priorities! We now have the computer set up (yay!), lighting in the bathroom (no more dark showers!), laundry set up downstairs (major!), and we are making headway on sorting through these many, many boxes to move non-essentials slowly but surely upstairs and out of the way.

The Green Concert is tonight, so that's it for today! 


  1. it looks just as cozy as my mom's house (esp cuz she also used to have those green walls, as i once mentioned, i think). plus, you are a fantastic troll master/mom (momster? yes). cant wait to visit!

  2. Oh man! FINALLY, something I don't have to critique!!!!!!!!

  3. This room is fabulous! I am so impresses! And can't wait to troll!

  4. And by impresses I mean impressed
