Saturday, October 2, 2010

Day 94: Hold, please

We're not allowed on the floors until Monday morning, so we're in a holding pattern for the weekend. Which is fine, because we have plenty of packing to do! The kitchen is taking forever - so many breakables. Though I do love marking the boxes 'fragile' or 'fra-gee-lay.' Because I'm Italian. ;)

We made plans for the weekend months ago when we naively thought we'd be moved and settled by now! We have volunteer orientation for the Eagles Green Concert at the park this afternoon and Bobby Cox's last home game tomorrow, followed by the REO Speedwagon concert. Score!

I'm hoping we can sneak a few pics between now and Monday so stay tuned. And we'll definitely have a TON of pics Monday. It's so close we can taste it! MMMmmmm....